BJP exploits Mumbai terror

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi of the right-wing BJP arrived in Mumbai Nov. 28 to pay public last respects to police officers killed fighting the militants who attacked India's financial capital, and announce Rs 1 crore ($2 million) compensation to the families. But the widow of the most senior officer to lose his life in the fighting, Mumbai Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare, has refused to accept the compensation offer. Karkare was killed by Mohammad Ajmal Mohammad Amin Kasab, the only militant arrested in the three-day terror attack, who has been identified as a Pakistani national. (India Business Standard, Nov. 30; PTI, Nov. 29; IANS, Nov. 28)

In a widely circulated e-mail (online at certain conspiranoid web sites), Indian leftist writer Amaresh Misra is proffering an elaborate conspiracy theory holding that the Mumbai attacks were actually carried out by the Hindu right in collaboration with Mossad.

See our last post on the Mumbai attacks.