International day of action to free imprisoned students in Iran
From the Students Freedom Campaign, Tehran, Jan. 27:
February 16th, 2007:
International Day of Protest against Islamic Republic of Iran
For Freedom of All Imprisoned Students!
Incarceration, torture, pressure, arrest, and prosecution of egalitarian, freedom-loving students (in Iran) is continuing. While more than forty of egalitarian, freedom-loving students are still in jails, yet another group of ten students that had gathered in Tehran to discuss their next moves to free their comrades, have been arrested and sent to Evin prison by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In cities of Mash'had, Sanandaj, Marivaun, Ghazvin, and Isfahaun students were attacked in their houses, arrested and sent to jails.
In order to intimidate other prisoners the Islamic regime displays the severely tortured students to other prisoners. Mr. Payman Peerun with a broken right foot and shoulder, and Mr. Behrooz Karimi with deep wounds on his body have been displayed numerous times. Security forces have subjected our comrades to severe torture in order to force them to confess to baseless accusations, and participate in the sham television programs organized by the security forces. Individuals, whose only "crime" is defense of freedom, equality, and humanity, are forced to confess to baseless accusations of connection with opposition parties.
We, freedom-loving egalitarian students are the spokespersons and standard-bearers of humanity, freedom, and equality in Iran. By suppressing us, Islamic regime is trying to suppress the entire movement for freedom and equality in Iran.
Because of the pressures applied to it, the regime has been forced to free a few of our comrades, with very high bails. Before releasing these beloveds, the Islamic regime had put them through the most severe pressures. Through intimidation and psychological pressures the regime is attempting to take back a part of our victorious protest, so it could impose an atmosphere of fear and dismay on the struggle for students' freedom. This struggle is now under way through out the world. Families of the incarcerated are under most severe pressures.
Freedom-loving people!
We, imprisoned students, families of the incarcerated, and the entire movement for liberty, and equality need your support now more than ever. Our call for freedom of incarcerated students on Dec 22 was met with your incomparable support. We, sincerely thank you for all your efforts. The actions on Dec. 28 through out the world were a great and unforgettable victory that delivered Iranian people’s voice of freedom and liberty to the world. But these efforts and struggles are not sufficient yet. Our comrades, freedom-loving, egalitarian students are still in torture chambers; the movement for freedom and equality is still under pressures of the security forces. This suppression must be shattered, and for this we need your help.
We have designated February 16th as an international day of protest against Islamic Republic, for freedom of all incarcerated students. We call upon all of you, wherever you might be, through whatever means available to you, to demand the immediate release of all the arrested (students), and immediate halt to all suppression of freedom-loving, egalitarians.
Future is ours!
Long live liberty!
Long live equality!
Freedom-loving, egalitarian students, from campuses through out the country
January 27, 2007- 7th of Dey 1386
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