Dear WW4 REPORT Readers:
As you read this, I am flying to Japan at the invitation of the National Assembly for Peace & Democracy (Zenko) to attend a second conference in solidarity with Iraq's civil resistance, and especially the Iraq Freedom Congress (IFC). Our readers will know that the IFC is a coalition of trade unions, women's organizations and neighborhood assemblies which have come together around two demands: an end to the occupation, and a secular state. Despite the best of my efforts to excite stateside interest in this civil resistance struggle, WW4 REPORT is one of the few sources of information in English on the IFC.
Our summer fund drive is off to a slow start. We are hoping that some of our new readers (we do not want to abuse the generosity of our hardcore loyalists) will help us defray the costs of the trip, and sustain us through winter. And we've taken steps to sweeten the pot.
We have a few more copies left than we thought of our last pamphlet series, "Iraq's Civil Resistance Speaks: Interviews with the Secular Left Opposition, Part 1 & 2." (We'd also made them available as premiums to WBAI Radio, and they need fewer than expected.) So we are offering them—for the last time—for a minimum donation of $10 each ($20 for the pair).
If you appreciate our work, please give SOMETHING, no matter how small. Please find your category on our simplified chart today, and please follow through while you are still thinking about it. We depend on your support to survive.
Minors, indigent and prisoners: FREE
Students, fixed-income and unemployed: $5 (Yes, we will take $5!)
Working class Jane/Joe: $10
Sustainer: $25
Lifeline: $50
Fairy Godmother: $100
Guardian Angel: $500
Avatar of Truth: $1,000
Class Enemy: $5,000
Send checks to:
121 Fifth Ave. #172
Brooklyn NY 11217
Please make checks payable to WORLD WAR 4 REPORT.
Or donate by credit card:
Thank you for your support. We can't do it without you—really.
Bill Weinberg
Aug. 1, 2006
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