Federal police abuse Oaxacan women

Mexican Federal Preventative Police (PFP) in Oaxaca City used tear gas and water cannons against a demonstration by local women Nov. 19, following accounts of sexual abuses by the police troops. Some women carried signs reading "Oaxaca is not a brothel," or mirrors with the words "I am a rapist" written across them that were held up to the police lines. (La Jornada, Nov. 19)

The Mexican League for the Defense of Human Rights (Limeddh) has formally complained to the federal authorities as well as Amnesty International about the case of a 48-year-old woman harassed and sexually abused by PFP troops when they entered Oaxaca City's historic center on Oct. 29. (APRO, Nov. 17)

Sources archived at Chiapas95

See our last posts on Mexico and the Oaxaca crisis and Mexico's human rights crisis.