Iraqi civil resistance statement to US anti-war forces
A statement from the Iraqi Freedom Congress:
An open letter to the anti-war and terrorism movement of the world on the third anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq
Libertarian forces of the world,
Anti-war and occupation movement of the world:As the third anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq approaches, the war continues its pace in every single street in Baghdad, Mosul, Kirkuk and everywhere else in the country. The assassinations and disappearances overtake politicians, doctors, engineers and scholars. The explosives are taking civilians' lives, regardless of their ages, at every given moment. The arrests, raids and torture carried out by the occupying troops are ongoing actions. Poverty and unemployment are widespread as the security situation deteriorates. In addition, the puppet government, in response to the International Monetary Fund, has made decisions to make peoples' lives even more miserable by rising the fuel prices and taking steps to gradually eliminate the subsidized ration coupon. What we gained after three years of occupation are an ongoing lack of social services, power outage, and ethno-sectarian gangs threatening civil society.
Just as we forewarned on the eve of the constitution referendum and election at the end of last year, the US administration attempts to get its policies through and continue its occupation after failing to find the weapons of mass destruction. We said at that time that this is a US game in which the ethnic and sectarian division will deepen and the society will slide into a civil war. There you are! Seeing and hearing how Iraq is becoming another Rwanda. People are getting murdered on a daily basis solely because of their sectarian identities.
We were supposed to organize marches on the third anniversary of the invasion in Baghdad, Kirkuk and Basra as we announced earlier this month. However the current security situation precludes us from doing so. We will consider different possibilities to express our protest on this day when millions of people around the world will march in streets to denounce the war and occupation.
Friends, brothers, comrades and peace lovers all over the world and especially in the United States: Millions of people in Iraq are looking to your movement, to your hard work, and to your struggle to bring peace to the world. Without your solidarity and support the US inhumane policies will not be defeated. We strongly believe that security and stability will not prevail unles the occupation is ended. Therefore we are determined to boot out the occupation. In spite of the hardship we are enduring, we save no effort to bring hope to millions of people around us and present our humanitarian alternative.
We work in several regions in Iraq to create secured neighborhoods where the sectarian and ethnic hatred have no ground what so ever. We educate people how to protect themselves and their neighbors and how to not let hatred shatter their unity. We organize their ranks to make their places of living safer for the people threatened by the sectarian mobs. At the same time we work to bring basic social services to make their lives easier. We also carrying out demonstrations, sit ins, gatherings, and media we struggle to end the occupation, forming a non-ethnic and non-religious government where people are recognized as human beings and take their matters in their own hands.
On this occasion, I would like to say: what ended the bloodshed in Vietnam were the protests that swept New York, Washington and the rest of the world. And we are absolutely certain that ending the chaos and bloodshed in Iraq will take place by raising international protests and awareness in the same cities. The Iraq Freedom Congress is part of the humanitarian current you represent.
With your support only, we will prevail.
Long Live international solidarity,
Samir Adil
President of Iraq Freedom Congress
March 14, 2006
See our last post on Iraq, and the civil resistance.
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